Differences in Countries Pt. 1

- Elevator vs Lift (see left- Goods being merchandise at the mall where I took the photo)
- Surname vs Last Name
They always say such different things. Here are a few examples of some of the weird words or phrases they say that just doesn't happen much in the states!
- "That's grand" vs "That's great (or whatever you personally say)"
- "Brilliant" in place of "Thanks" !?
Odd Things/Customs
- Tipping isn't necessary because the servers get paid better (we should do this..)
- There aren't free bathrooms everywhere! Aside from the McDonald's, in malls they have probably one bathroom (yet a TON of stores), and most stores don't have a public bathroom. Our malls have bathrooms every 2-4 blocks or at least every floor.
- I had to PAY for a bathroom in the mall. 20cent (in euros). A lady even remarked "It should smell better for 20cents" - she wasn't wrong.
- Instead of signs saying "watch your head/step" it's "mind your head/step"
- Instead of saying "Hiring (Insert Job Position Here)" they say "(Insert Job Position Here) Required"
- Less sense of personal space. I knew Americans have a larger personal space bubble going into the trip, but I have had people nearly touching me. That's not okay.
Things I Love
- Helpful people! Most Irish people are so sweet and nice, and willing to help!
- The diversity. Staying on a college campus meant there were Irish, Spanish, Italian, American and more! Spanish people here are more rude and cut me in line. UGH.
- The ease of travel. Buses and trains - and the tram they're re-putting in are all pretty easy to use. If not, people are willing to help me find my way!
- The views! Ireland has castles and city - new and old. Anything you want. It's here. Minus maybe a New York type city. Dublin only has about two million people.
- Everyone told me there wouldn't be peanut butter - but there is?! Maybe it's just the one store I saw it at, but I saw it.
- There's more ethnic food here! Food options from all over the world and in the grocery there's so many options I can't find easily in the states.
Things I Hate
- The lack of Wal-Marts or similar stores. Why can't I have just one 'everything' store here?!
- The lack of general cell service. Okay, this can be a plus - and WiFi is really all I need, but I miss talking to my mom more. Facebook Messenger helps here, but I still need WiFi.
- The prices. Even on Amazon (the one for Ireland, yes it's a different website) ONE pack of ramen is 2.05euro.