3 Days of Classes July 18-20
This week was pretty normal and run-of the mill. I did do a few cool things, though.
Monday July 18th
Monday was classes and lunch and then off to the mall! It's been hot lately - terribly hot! Some of the hottest days in Dublin over the past few years. Of course, not knowing this was coming, I packed one oversized tee for sleeping and another thicker tee that was a little tight. Basically tees that made me sweat like crazy. And I brought two pairs of pants and that was about it, so needless to say it was pretty bad. The mall was gorgeous, definitely a mix of old and new! Here they have similar stores like instead of TJMaxx (states) it's TKMaxx (Ireland). They also have H&M, and a few other cool stores. They had some higher end stuff, and a Next which I haven't seen much. I ended up buying shorts and a tank top, but I didn't see any tees I liked. I also couldn't find a fan, which I was desperately hoping for. After I went to a LIDL grocery and OMG it was cool. They had more stuff than I've seen - a better variety. I left the store with ostrich steaks, kangaroo leg steaks, firduckten meatballs (I think that's right?), haddock (fish) and lamb. I made the fish - which is a common fish used for fish and chips, and it was a great night.

Tuesday July 19th.
Tuesday wasn't too bad, just classes and a lot of studying. Our first tests are Wednesday, so it was important to look over all the information. The kangaroo got cooked - maybe a bit over cooked as it was tough like a beef. The flavor is absolutely and totally different, but not bad. Maybe a little game-y. I also went to the Centra to pick up some sweets as I was craving something chocolatey! I ended up getting cake type things, but that's okay. I enjoy trying different and new things! I also finally made a doctor's appointment for my raging allergies. I have been sneezing like crazy, but Tuesday wasn't too bad.
Wednesday July 20th

Today we had our first tests. The management test was a TOTAL wild card. I knew some of the information would be in the book and not have gone over them in class, but the types of questions and the way he asks questions are just super off the wall and awful. I'm pretty sure you could argue some of the questions have no or all right answers... The marketing test was pretty good - I made an 82. Some questions were a little 'wonky', but it wasn't bad. Afterward I went to the doctor which was a bit odd as the doctor acted as a nurse like in the states. I went into the consultation room which was also her office, and she took my info and asked the questions about symptoms - which our nurses do. And then she went straight into the solution and said goodbye. Plus the trip without insurance was only 60euros, which wasn't bad. I have to figure out how to get the info to my international insurance... Anyway, afterwards I walked around the Grafton Street shops and ran into a thousand street performers and kiosks and had the best time. I even went to the Stephen's Green shopping mall and a flea market place that was pretty neat. I also stumbled upon a great gelato place! I really had a great night. Then I went home and made the lamb, which I cooked totally better and was near perfect and tasted amazing. I've never had lamb before, but I definitely want more! I even splurged and got some chocolate brownie Ben and Jerry's. YUM.