The Weekend July 16-17
I definitely got really behind now..
By the time I get caught up and stuff I'll probably be leaving Ireland - lol.
Saturday, July 16
Saturday was the Longitude Music Festival in Marlay Park, Dublin. I woke up and took a shower, ready to study - and then the two people I was going with said they were about ready to leave. Not the best timing, but I got ready and we headed out. We took a bus and then had to walk probably 1-2 miles. It wasn't a bad walk, and it helped that another girl had access to a map. Wifi is far and few between here. Unless I'm on the bus or on campus, it's pretty slow, too. Anyway, the festival was fun! I lost the two people I came with for a few hours, but I made a couple new friends, and everything was good. I ended up wearing a body tight bag.. Not sure how to explain it, but it was like a super thin fanny pack so it's hard to steal and less people notice it. It worked out really well, I didn't have to worry about a big bag or anything like that. However, I didn't bring any cash with me, and credit cards don't work with an ATM - or at least mine doesn't. I ended up borrowing money at the beginning, so it was all good. But if you ever go to any event - be prepared.

Sunday, July 17
Sunday was mostly for studying and an awesome workout (really that means a five minute run in the scorching sun). We had a test coming up, so it was time to prepare!